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Three Horses

Release tension. Enhance function. Improve performance.




As a structural integrator, treating the whole horse is at the forefront of my practice. Conformation, posture, injuries and training can all cause tension that sends a rippling effect of compensation through the body. My work seeks to unravel these patterns, and restore balance and function throughout the body. 


When working with horses, I draw on their body language, my well-developed sense of touch and my background as a highly-trained scientist to piece together their tension patterns and customize the session or series. Each session, I carefully listen and respond to the horse, so as to create a relaxing environment where the horse and I are working together. This achieves emotional and physical relaxation in the horse, and supports positive, long-lasting changes from the inside-out. 


Horses will often lick and chew, yawn, stretch, sigh, shake or fall asleep during sessions, all signs that they are switching to their parasympathetic nervous system ("rest and digest state") and are releasing tension.  See it for yourself! 

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What is Structural Integration?

Structural integration is a form of therapy that is performed on horses over 5 sessions to systematically address the entire body. The aim of the work is to restore balance and function in the body as whole by addressing the connective tissue that holds us animals together. Relieving fascial holdings and lengthening tissue works to alleviate tension and compensation patterns in the body. Components of the body are then integrated across their junctions to improve overall functioning. SI can help treat chronic pain and tension, support soundness, aid in rehabilitation and improve performance, among other benefits.


A five-session Equine Structural Integration Series through which the body is holistically unwound to address tension and compensation patterns held in fascia (connective tissue). A good option for a horse who has chronic tension, or has not had regular bodywork. Followed by maintenance sessions as-needed. 


​$500 for five sessions, paid up front


A mix of massage and structural integration work for horses who have had the series, or who only need maintenance work. Also a good option for a first appointment, if you want to try it out. Sessions are typically about an hour. Extra travel fees apply when located >1 hour from downtown Seattle. Discounts available for 3+ horses.


$110 per session 



Like what you see? Contact me to book now!



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Sherri S, Horse Owner

"My  horse is a little high strung and very nervous about anything new. Fiona has such a calm and gentle way about her that as soon as she starts working on him, he relaxes and  calms down completely. Having a session with Fiona has really helped my senior horse be more comfortable and move with less stiffness. "

Kristal B, Trainer

"I’ve seen a huge improvement in just a few sessions with Nola!


She is an older mare and does not have the best conformation, however with Fiona’s work she is standing correctly and moving in a much more relaxed way. Her canter transitions are smoother and lacking her previous drama."

Pat, Horse Owner

"There was a point where Journey was so sore, she was struggling with moving to the left. Fiona was able to identify a certain area around her hip and was able to get her to relax and move with ease. "

Sydney P, Horse Owner

"The series has really helped Electra come back into work after having a foal. Electra is better able to engage her core and lift and stretch through her back"

See for yourself! 

About Me.

Fiona has loved horses for as long as she can remember and was fortunate to train and show in the jumpers as a teenager. While in graduate school, Fiona bought a 4-year-old off-the-track thoroughbred mare and began a journey of education on holistic and ethical horse care and training. After seeing the change that these practices made in her own young mare, Fiona wanted to further her education to help other horses. Today, as a graduate of the Equine Natural Movement School, Fiona is a certified Equine Structural Integration therapist, licensed Large Animal Massage Practitioner, and professional member of NBCAAM. Fiona also holds a BS and is a Biology PhD Candidate at the University of Washington, where she has published in several peer-reviewed scientific journals. 

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Education & Qualifications


LAMP & Structural Integrator
Equine Natural Movement School

Fiona completed a 500 hour course at the Equine Natural Movement School under renowned equine structural integrator, Joseph Freeman. Fiona is a NBCAAM certified equine massage therapist and licensed Large Animal Massage Practitioner (LAMP).


PhD Candidate, Biology
University of Washington

In spring of 2024, Fiona will graduate with a PhD in biology. She is a published author in several peer-reviewed scientific journals. 


Bachelor of Science
University of Washington



Fiona Boardman

Seattle, WA

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